Current Position:

COOEC has successfully de不下veloped a single point m頻他ooring monitoring紅友 and prediction system

Release date:

On the eve of the Spring Festival, goo少銀d news came from Cao時日feidian 11-1 / 2 oilfield. The "offshor時火e oil 112 single point mooring moni森志toring and prediction system" indepen國刀dently developed by CNOOC Gaotai 著飛company (hereinafter referred to as Gao土師tai company) operated smoot電林hly and data acquisition and transmiss光來ion was smooth. The商中 system passed 時男the offshore acceptance on物家 January 30, 2013. It is the onl妹信y monitoring and pred票藍iction system designed for u裡制nderwater mild steel 校兵arm single point moo小又ring system in the world.

The system successfully realizes the 票件tailored design of underwa秒理ter mild steel arm si藍風ngle point mooring system, and can北街 monitor all indexes in the whole p制林rocess and all directions.美下 The system con妹舊sists of four modules, including 多關sensor module, data acquisition and tra體秒nsmission module, data manageme理舊nt module and response prediction and l笑船oading optimization m票紙odule. It can realize high-precisi關訊on real-time monit微冷oring of marine environmen件開tal conditions, FPSO six degrees of 購做freedom motion and position, sin海器gle point mooring force, single point s雪離uperstructure vib校可ration and other information.

According to Zhang Yigong, 現這general manager of Gaotai com鐘學pany, the system can also quickly 工很give the motion state of FPS老明O and the stress of mooring sys光這tem according to the input environmen微著tal conditions and di學也fferent loading a妹秒nd unloading conditions, and can provi飛小de operators with FPSO loading and unlo鐘事ading suggestions i我器n extreme environments.

The underwater mild s唱章teel arm single point mooring s路跳ystem adopted by "offshore oil 112" 讀也was officially put in日鄉to operation in J間吃uly 2004, and the new司著 and old single point mooring system w朋好ill be replaced in 2014. 火媽"The monitoring and forecastin現兵g system we designed will monitor v海生arious indicators in th是章e operation of new and old single拿用 points in real time, ensure the saf了明e wintering of old single points, verif體她y the design indicators of new single 通友points and ensure the smooth oper話妹ation of new sin工制gle points," Zhan司爸g Yigong said.

Up to now, the system has operated r問妹eliably and stab數睡ly, and a large 遠購number of field data have been obtain這一ed, which provides favor信房able data support for the很綠 safe operation of single point mooring要朋 system.

Gaotai company has also d器地eveloped "offshore oil 111"頻喝 and Enping FPSO single point mooring m樹我onitoring and p雜冷rediction system. After passing店說 the acceptance, it will mak行金e up for the applica線學tion gap of this type of知空 system in turret singl視務e point mooring system i算理n the South China Sea. 讀畫This also indicates that短遠 the company has ma放得stered the design, deve影頻lopment and integration capabil資這ities of mild steel arm and inner 妹不turret single poi謝生nt mooring monitoring 村物and prediction system,子上 and can provide vari新月ous technical services incl來子uding system design, procuremen技舞t support, system integration and de外子velopment, installat身視ion support and key equipment to c但雨ustomers at home and abroad. (cor好子respondent Wu Cuiping, Liu C媽兒hao)
