Current Positio船工n:

Wuhan war epidemic, Shenzhen warm

Release date:

It was supposed to be the S看身pring Festival of the ye司腦ar of the rat, which說司 was lit by thousands of ligh會樹ts and celebrated 慢快throughout the country, bu兒河t the whole land區嗎 of China was shrouded in gray by a sud黃見den new virus epid自校emic. Five diving 學們supervisors of th票通e company return可拿ed to Wuhan for family vis外玩it and vacation during the Spring 服可Festival. After the holida我農y, they stayed at home beca話媽use of the "closure of the ci錢裡ty". The health statu看學s of themselves and their families al民從so affected the hearts of the co舞討mpany all the time.

"How's everyt厭服hing at home?" "nothing. T文這he company sent u從友s protective masks before we came back.林能 I used them when I re開窗turned to Wuhan on the 21st拍線. I'm well protected at ho他姐me and don't go out, so 河車there's no problem for the time 房友being". Knowing th又裡at Xiang Chaohua's home is on中兵ly 300 meters away from the化農 South China seafood market, th歌相e company leaders have bee可看n in close contact with hi錢子m since the night before he return說綠ed to Wuhan on January 20. "We support 做能the government's closur來暗e measures, and we want to be 綠熱a responsible Wuhan people." Xiang C可器haohua, who submitted the application 廠放to join the party in the yea微門r of flood fighting in 1998放答, has been the leader of d讀件iving projects 笑會for many years,照她 and wechat has never forgotten his pr紙木ofessional consciousness and 要雨responsibility.

Zhang Jie's moth器北er, the diving supervisor, unfortuna學紙tely suffered from cancer. "Is my m行購other better? Has there bee匠服n any result from contacting other pla學拿ces after the chemothe拿就rapy hospital was requisitio訊風ned?" and Gao Xiyuan, "chil日體dren will take the college ent腦友rance examination this year, and the s麗船chool will not open, so 風紅they can't fall behin資月d!" together with Hu song an北和d Wang Hui, there are fiv鐘那e people stranded in火中 Wuhan. The leaders 銀一of the company simply bui海坐lt a temporary wechat group. First, th劇吃ey are concerned, The 好資second is appeasement. Later, Y務機an Xiangfeng of Huanggang, Ni Peng of 的快Jingzhou, as well as the chairman of影懂 the trade union民也, department heads and di關門ving doctors, came in, and the duties又醫 of diving doctors bec文花ame daily health and 身市psychological counseling.

As time goes by, the epidem飛窗ic is spreading. When we l信哥earned that there 通照were ambulances in and out of xiangc河著haohua community every day,厭道 the contact frequency o離新f wechat group was空暗 obviously encr白腦ypted. When aske美服d what difficulties Lao Xiang could sol那他ve, his answer was "airbo東水rne 20 masks and a national flag". Mask生歌s, protective glasses, gloves, protec件技tive clothing, 84 effe身電rvescent particles, hon村歌eysuckle, Lianhua Qingwen particles看白, and national flags that東業 are always requi習海red by individuals. Except that disinfe那對ction powder cannot be mai日近led according to the policy, other item也歌s shall be sent to SF express imm頻的ediately after purchasing. Limite們工d materials, emot腦答ional overflow.

In recent days, the epidemic trend o物議f rampant and escalating has be照火en stopped, but "suc答放cess will never be easy if yo就學u don't win a compl就離ete victory". The Party branch and the 低廠trade union have been stud文中ying further sympathy 物雜plans, and the warmth is stil腦大l passing

