Current Position:

Project summary, in order 綠聽to further improve

Release date:

On the afternoon of December 20, th站醫e company held the 2018 divin習睡g project summary report meeting 湖術in the conference room on哥我 the fifth floor.分睡 At the meeting, each pro姐也ject manager and 如從engineer summarized and reported人會 the projects in their charge this ye爸下ar. The meeting was presided over b物國y Xu Jin, deputy也門 manager of underwater engineering d用路epartment. All per討技sonnel of the Department in She爸知nzhen attended the meeting, and relev對算ant personnel from safety an生河d quality department and business marke男這ting department also attended. Zhang Le西山i, the general manager of the 議件company, and Yuan Guangyo技物ng, the deputy ge窗男neral manager, attended the m書金eeting and pointed out the purpos現會e and significance of the project 通事summary. Xiao Xiaoling, th票人e chief engineer and manager of the 歌裡hydraulic department, at時科tended the meeting and put 動喝forward improvement opinions and在錯 suggestions for e玩吧ach summary report.

In 2018, the company undertook t看朋he underwater operation of 15長亮 facilities of CNOOC Sh那件enzhen Branch deepwater engineering煙志 construction cente線話r, Huizhou operation company歌白 and COOEC Shenzhen underwater co術遠mpany, with a to說科tal of 18 projects. The types 站喝of projects are diverse, the facilit微黑ies are numerous, and the inf場畫luence of various factors is diverse.冷黑 An operation t弟是eam needs to switch fr拍在equently between multiple projec輛年ts. Under the shadow of ca件慢sualty accidents of divers in other com林音panies in the indu美近stry in the past two years, CNOOC 靜她Shenzhen Branch and various operati場暗on areas have very strict requireme年物nts on safety control of diving projec線鄉ts. The company's m體劇anagement has resisted the pressure fro民錯m all aspects, made every effo請道rt to organize 樹國and allocate perso信人nnel and equipment, 地畫actively and deeply communicat票去ed with the owne員城r units, made full and re謝村asonable arrangements a那吧s far as possible, and maximized the歌是 utilization rate of 用師operation team and resources, During 子紙the peak period, fou秒有r Diving Teams and nearly 100 ope個他rators are dispatched for of家購fshore construction.

In addition to routine cleanin冷門g and testing, there is關歌 also the "offshore o小機il 115 FPSO subsea gate plug睡愛ging" project focused 船但by leaders at all l路熱evels in the diving operation project長志 this year. The projec東件t implemented "one hole 窗司one scheme" for the fi算就rst time, double plugging, real-time 民也monitoring and repeated confirmati道日on to ensure the safety年離 of all related parties in都學 the plugging constr呢紅uction, and successf物行ully completed the plugging and valv科國e replacement task購畫 of five subsea gates requir跳紅ed by the owner, It has great refere船讀nce significance for simil草道ar plugging oper匠費ations of other FPSOs in the future;秒制 In addition, the annual ke讀月y installation project "Nanhai Shen頻下gli single point release and connect員身ion" has fully realized the release an新火d connection of si農會ngle point riser, anchor chain relea還河se, replacement and conne習藍ction of planned non release des你美ign single point for the first ti爸道me; In addition, we h訊放ave actually applied the anchor cable時湖 / anchor chain el事購ectronic digital display angle 跳樹measurement tool that our c間校ompany has applied for 村好and obtained the n樹木ational patent in m新但any projects, so人鐵 that the accuracy of the 費身measured values is worth eff有拍ectively improving.

In 2018, various diving opera吃亮tion projects c飛北ompleted variou又從s diving operation t你如asks with high quality with "zero poll林森ution, zero injury and 綠工zero accident" under the high姐商 attention of the報錯 owner and company leaders, zero di場器stance entry, whole process trac媽山king and effectiv謝得e organization, eff在微ective management and effective im道吃plementation of var水森ious project operatio報頻n teams, and achieved a win-win年黑 situation betw能多een the owner and Shanye.

In the future diving project高城, the operators of Shanye w草近ater engineering de店嗎partment will continue亮妹 to work with ful通們l enthusiasm, professional operati呢一on and higher management lev姐都el to complete the diving水爸 task specified by the owner safely愛內 and efficiently! (男話Jin xincen, underwater engineer章亮ing department)
