Current Position:

The review meeting on the standa用兒rd formulation 現討outline of "f遠但irst aid at diving operation 吃厭site" was 筆什held

Release date:

On March 6, the Tec個車hnical Committee for冷國 standardization of transportat分地ion salvage and underwater下森 engineering organized a re好紅view meeting on費舞 the formulation outli跳錯ne of "first aid methods and require公女ments for diving operation來報 site" in Shenzhen. The Technical C站近ommittee for standardization of nav多就igation safety, Shenzhen COOEC Under門水water Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 飛舊Shekou people's Hospital男聽, Shenzhen Yant用化ian District people's Hospita嗎習l Experts and representatives f見長rom Guangzhou div到服ing school and o樹作ther units attended the mee和報ting. The representatives listened風黑 to the report of th科上e project team on the draft propos看習al of the assignment (co音暗ntract) and the draft standard公服, and conducted special discus短匠sion and key consultation.

The project includes the formula長海tion of two transpo日冷rtation industry standards: first城多 aid methods and requirements for d謝說iving operation site and在街 requirements for medical devices計路 and drugs for offshore diving ope拿睡ration. Shenzhen Shanye Industry Co., L村做td. is the lead and m綠章ain undertaking unit of the影愛 project, and participate那是d in the preparation of units, in資錯cluding the Nav科水al Military Medical University 到朋of the Chinese people's Liberation放制 Army, Shenzhen 很村Shekou people's Hospital Shanghai 子影Jiaotong Universi著雪ty, Nantong University, N很也anjing General Hospital of Nanjin船東g Military Region of the Ch現房inese people's Liberation Army,師火 etc.

