Current Position:

The company invites experts to give lec錯就tures on current affairs

Release date:

On September 14, the company invite民樹d Dr. Wei Leijie, assoc也農iate professor of Law School of 金一Xiamen University, to give a 算報current affairs lecture entitl林船ed "how to understand 習來the current complex China".

Dr. Wei started 從吃thinking from the four dimen唱冷sions of current sys這兒tem, social dilemma, s家西ocial thought and都懂 border governance, discussed a series多白 of hot issues of current affairs, and你鄉 shared his own opinions from the 音人perspective of national gover低相nance, which not only l市黃ed the company's舊小 employees to expand their current不輛 political vision beyond the daily p廠商rofessional technology and busine車森ss market, It has also enriched every水農one's understanding線醫 of the profound connotation of th劇又e Chinese dream of the土一 great rejuvenation of 跳服the Chinese nation.

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