Current Position:

The company cooperates with CNOOC to un現匠dertake the crude oil export re說麗search project of the Minist新森ry of industry 民我and information technology

Release date:

Recently, the compan暗國y signed the contract for 間厭research on Key Technologies of cyl白制indrical fwpso export務近 with CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd., mark可慢ing the formal un睡影dertaking of the project after m爸冷ore than one year's efforts, whi下海ch is also an important ac醫子hievement of Shanye company in implem朋窗enting and promoting th城商e 2017 policy and objectives of Shangha木水i Salvage Bureau.

The cylindrical fwpso expor媽民t key technology research project i樹妹s a sub project of the唱海 "independent resear刀化ch and development project of marg腦湖inal oilfield production devices" un可議dertaken by the Ministry公作 of industry an媽議d information technology. The project 嗎用takes Lufeng oilfield in the South Ch體問ina Sea as the target oilfield to de友相velop a cylindrical fwpso integrating p房裡roduction, workover訊我, oil storage and expor從分t, Shanye's task is to study答音 and formulate matc間票hing crude oil export operatio月公n procedures and emergency key sche醫林mes, and provide a腦做 new, more economical, s但服afe and feasible operatio上金n scheme and technical rese生歌rve for the development of 分匠marginal oil field街女s and deepwater oil and gas fields.

At present, som懂相e offshore oilfields in劇做 China are in the middle and late店見 stage of development,線內 and the produc北姐tion decreases rapidly. It is urgen術裡t to find new structures or technol為拍ogical innovation to maintain the prod慢煙uction growth. CNOO媽樹C Lufeng oilfield was completed電個 and put into operation in錢睡 1993. It has been relying on the "Nan又會hai Shengkai" fsou (floating oil stora訊生ge and unloading device)要吃 with a ship age of more than 40 員頻years to store 是飛crude oil. Under the condition of de白說clining production in the old都笑 areas of the oilfield gr友說oup, it is not e音遠conomical to directly replace n月愛ew oil tankers in the current oil pri兒個ce bureau. Compare站弟d with traditional oil tankers, cylind道新rical fwpso not only錢用 has unique shape, but also信票 has significant advantages in i信笑ntegrating workover function費地, easy migration, reusable道了 and resisting bad民爸 sea conditions. This ne道制w intensive device can花長 not only help the development of marg店玩inal oil fields and produce eco弟土nomic benefits, but also provide an ex但員ploratory choice f什熱or the large-scal從吃e development strategy of deepwater 水唱oil and gas fields in the South China也外 Sea in the futur區吃e. Since the first 子亮oil ship in the South China Sea in 19離愛90s, Shanye compan村花y has provided m離司ooring oil extracti長他on services for CNOOC. So far, it has冷答 safely extracted more than 7000 o說們il ships in the Sou知樂th China Sea and拿麗 Bohai Sea. CNOOC少裡 attaches great importance to the 放頻rich operation experien農都ce and statistical data accumula照睡ted by Shanye in 愛農the service sea area by virtue o中書f its technical advantages, an話為d believes that Shanye, as a p白麗rofessional service comp睡又any, has the ability to c鐘北arry out systematic technology research房在 The reliable conditions 著嗎for data simulatio文還n analysis and scheme formulation ar讀空e the positive consensus t相們hat has contributed to the su會睡ccessful coopera能自tion of the project.
