Current Position:

The company participated in the 劇也emergency underwater search and re音的scue of Shenzhen Maritime Safety Ad公友ministration

Release date:

At 8:12 a.m. on December 13, 畫票the company received a call from物短 the search and 很嗎rescue center of 湖明Shenzhen Maritime Safety Administr筆木ation. A fisherma明厭n fell into the water電問 in the alunite channel of Lingdingya讀兒ng water area, which urg謝微ently needs the cooperation 微筆of professional diving force to c可校arry out the search and res跳到cue task.

8: 25. The five person emergency div錢術ing search and rescue team est刀快ablished by the company for the如什 first time gat分空hered in Chiwan oil base, compl能習eted the loading of un匠頻derwater operation equipment at電科 9:00 and drove to the 紙離wharf of maritime safety adm你理inistration.

9: 45. The profes他體sional underwater equipment was快不 loaded at the wharf and went t紅村o the accident site.

10: From 45:00 to 11:00她校, the on-site connection 做學test was completed after t窗科he equipment was changed, a慢數nd the preliminary preparati這看ons were ready.秒嗎

11: At 00, diver Zeng Xi國月anglun went into the wate制跳r to search and rescue長紅 the drowning peop做技le.

Although it is a pity that 時熱two drowning peop師見le have been killed睡的, the search and 空都Rescue Incident 房公fully reflects the company's r舞這apid mobility and the sense o拍有f social responsibility煙雪 of actively participating in public w微但elfare rescue as a吃票 state-owned enterprise窗城.
