Current Position:

The maintenance department 業子of the company un校是dertakes the maintenance p鐵時roject of offshore友火 facilities for the first time

Release date:


On November 8, 2016, the re說到placement of small pla銀兵tform for lifting point ope很靜ration of FPSO "of高錯fshore oil 111" outboard oil pipe女長line undertaken by the maint南算enance department o短自f the company for th舞吃e first time was suc唱放cessfully completed.

"Offshore oil 111" is a floating prod錢歌uction, storage窗議 and unloading prod藍但uction unit in Pan機科yu oilfield. Since the oilfield was要理 put into operation 時樹in 2003, it has been work用跳ing stably for 13 year間嗎s and has completed nearly 那遠600 oil lifts. Achievements and事但 honors are acc機土umulating, but the tanker has not化作 been docked for systematic repair si房西nce its service, and 能技the hull is aging slowly. In 學腦particular, after mo謝月re than 10 years of wind and ra紅東in erosion, the main stru術藍cture is seriously用你 rusted, which directly a舊友ffects the safety of oil extraction op拿愛eration. The repla做書cement of the sm器亮all platform was highl嗎友y valued by the tan靜空ker manager Nanhai West Petroleu明著m oilfield service (Sh他做enzhen) Co., Ltd. and the leaders of th就紙e oilfield operators. The鐵吃 mechanical mainte麗到nance department dispatche日樂d elite troops to 美謝go all out, with the full sup志腦port of the company's leaders an友姐d functional depa區說rtments.

Since the project is required to吧朋 be completed between two expo人音rt operations, the oper友廠ation window is very limited. In ord廠湖er to complete the project withi日從n the owner's plan window, the m件東aintenance team ha們自s actively coordi請影nated various preparations裡人 after arriving at 視的the oil tanker on Oc很刀tober 28; During務雪 the operation, th鐵中e weather and sea cond為制itions were poor, which affec說說ted the construction period. The m內謝aintenance team paid close attenti票亮on to the weather f爸習orecast, made overall arrange亮水ments for the oper短化ation contents, ac還在curately grasped the weather wi習房ndow, actively requested the as學還sistance of the tanker party, pus身兒hed forward the project progress aga文北inst time, finally replaced 友南the main structure風城 of the small p理器latform before oil lifting, and媽答 additionally carried out grid plat金快e cutting, perimeter welding Grind也笑ing and painting.

On November 7, with th木件e completion of the secon拿有d painting, a new smal錢中l platform for l河術ifting point operation of outboar我這d oil pipeline was shining短愛! In this opera購銀tion, the maintenan坐計ce department used innovative prefabr讀門icated special too場物ls for outboard construction, 外議which shortened the time of on-s中朋ite preparation a近黃nd construction. All parties w了慢ere very satisfied with 答小this, and the proje裡老ct was successfull廠要y concluded.

