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Our underwater op農場eration safety research p用議roject won the science and technolog這愛y award of China naviga舊黃tion society

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The soft science research project "Re亮飛search on safety r對術egulations for divi美件ng and underwater ope站有ration", which was presided o河討ver by our company a她河nd completed in c微聽ooperation with the S個花hanghai Salvage Bure我日au of the Minist議劇ry of communicati區錯ons, Wuhu diving equipment factory a木美nd Shanghai diving equipment factory暗開, recently won the second priz我冷e of science and technolog科白y of the Chinese society of navigatio喝但n. The science and techno但哥logy award of the Chinese society為友 of navigation was approved就公 by the Ministry 刀了of science and technology and the nati員如onal science an信姐d Technology Award 花物Office. The award can be referred 生算to as the ministe那子rial science and technology awar分學d. Research on safety regulations數明 for diving and underwater 家西operation is a soft science researc市訊h project issued by the science and商弟 Technology Department of the Min光雨istry of transp技要ort on October 30, 請頻2007. The research proj黃資ect lasted more than three year劇美s from project initiation 空關to final completi個房on, comprehensively and system師理atically summariz請去ed the current situ小飛ation and development trend少睡 of international and Ch子空inese diving and und站費erwater operation standards, constru門少cted the overall framework of div森劇ing and underwater operatio對紙n safety regulations system in C事好hina, and completed the 湖快formulation of t業森wo national standards: air d草問iving safety requirements and mix坐習ed gas diving safety requireme讀司nts. It has laid a good foundati他空on for improving the overall safety l微嗎evel of diving and underwater operatio現微n in China, gradually real的兵izing the comprehensive integration wi來老th the international mar內讀ket and enhancin雨件g China's competitiveness in司的 the international m計影arket.

