Current Position:

The project "Rese謝月arch on standards for div藍水ers to safely ride ai紅秒rcraft after diving" pass林自ed the acceptance

Release date:

The standard, measurement 靜間and quality research project of the Min器學istry of transpo白新rt, "Research on standards for divers t動場o safely ride aircra姐化ft after diving" (Pro中睡ject No.: 2012-348-203-060),玩頻 passed the acceptance (review) host子西ed by the Western Transportation Const暗關ruction Science an生相d technology pr費訊oject management center in N玩鐘antong on June 13, 2014. The projec睡好t is jointly undertaken by the projec書科t team composed of我弟 Shanghai Salvage Bureau of t森但he Ministry of transpo答費rt, Shenzhen Shanye I說窗ndustrial Co., Lt來科d., the Second Military Me長票dical University of the C答可hinese people's Liberation Army, Na白制ntong University and Shenzhen Peop近少le's hospital. The project s熱化ummarizes the current situati可從on and development trend of divers&湖購#39; flight requirement時老s after diving at home and abroad, a讀農nalyzes the industry dem國那and, finds out the e票見xisting gap at home and a山文broad, puts forward th秒器e classificatio行玩n method of flight requirements aft公還er diving, optimizes the di看那vision of flight 間話altitude and su跳地bdivides the ground interval before 月話flight. At the same time, a transpor慢長tation industry st冷習andard "flight requirements 林相for divers after diving" has bee外子n formulated, covering spe外又cific requirements such as 放綠classification method, alti妹樂tude division and interval subdivis視下ion, and has been issued on April 15, 2鐵遠014, Standard No. JT / T 909-2014.物要 The standard is technologically a亮他dvanced, economical and prac女報tical, in which non deco動老mpression diving鐵習 is divided into non decompr風視ession diving with a total金如 exposure time of no more than民內 1 hour and more than 1書亮 hour and multipl自謝e or multiple days within 12 hours b謝體efore flight, deco還說mpression sickne窗畫ss is divided into type I and ty但飛pe II, and flight 音筆requirements are given respectively. T年務here is no such subdivis聽綠ion in the current international adv那靜anced standard, which is quite i謝湖nnovative. The research results拍現 of the project include the Resea頻票rch Report on the standard for div門件ers to safely ride the答美 aircraft after diving and the transp拿低ortation industry standard post光喝 diving flight requirements f南上or divers. It fills the gap少地 in the research and fl海很ight requirements standards fo北火r divers after diving in China,朋裡 reaches the international le身呢ading level, and timely pro不你vides assistance to dive水快rs who have injuries o街路r diving diseases on site Safe e年個vacuation, reducing the inciden物很ce of diving accidents, reducing the 又黃level of diving acciden學長ts and ensuring the hea區計lth of divers have important gui煙綠ding significance.

