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Our company held the 2013 annual saf道匠ety work conference

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On February 20, 2014, our compan間林y held the 2013 光慢annual safety meeting, wh男大ich was attende麗那d by Zhang Hui, director of the暗很 company's safety committee輛地 and other members, as well as 39 emplo門生yees in Shenzhen above the captain, s匠技upervisor and supervisor. Leaders數區 of CNOOC Shenzhen Branch北農, COOEC, Huawei and 子關other safety departments we女照re also invited to the meeting綠習. The meeting was中煙 presided over by Xiao Xiaolin人器g, deputy chief engineer.

The meeting mainly s刀船ummarized the com花制pany's safety work in 2013睡校, made arrangements for the safety 自低work in 2014, and each器友 operation Department introduced the sa秒朋fety work of their respective depar綠紅tments; The guests嗎見 made a speech, 作匠affirmed the safety work done by our 南現company, and put forw問我ard some suggestions. At the meeti又妹ng, advanced safety individ地和uals and safety act如朋ivists in 2013 were co街紙mmended and awarded. Finally, Zha舞歌ng Hui, director of the safety committe志靜e, made a summary a冷得nd put forward specif在市ic requirements.

