Current Position:

The standardization resear少討ch project of div但一ing and underwater operatio電什n inlet and outl草商et system has passed the accep懂在tance

Release date:

On December 3, 2013, the Western Tra去笑nsportation Construction Science an要森d technology project manage鐵為ment center hosted the research projec科站t on standards, measurement and q上女uality of the Min你劇istry of transport in Wuhu "R做書eview meeting of r懂信esearch results on standardizat見紙ion of water inlet and outlet上笑 system for diving a河錯nd underwater operation".了兵 This project is 為海a ministerial research subject jo子離intly organized b有術y our company and Wuhu但能 diving equipment factory. Thi站民s study summari章錯zes the current situation and developme很亮nt trend of wat雪腦er inlet and outlet sys大但tem for diving a湖地nd underwater oper鐵服ation at home and abroad, a白鄉nalyzes the industry demand, finds o放報ut the gap with developed countrie制海s, and puts forward countermeasures術光 to solve the gap. In conclus兵算ion In line with China's nat下件ional conditions and considering the in朋東tegration with the intern月員ational market, the f商用ramework of diving and underwat知少er operation inlet and out訊可let standard system has been co醫遠nstructed, and the div業我ing cage and hoisting device of diving西機 and underwater operation inlet and新房 outlet system have been complet購城ed The research results have 少木strong practicabilit訊讀y and innovation, filled the domestic 雜刀gap, and generall快錢y reached the international advanced員吧 level. It is of great s身新ignificance to imp答多rove the safety perf身雜ormance of products, redu照現ce the occurrence o老大f diving diseases and林科 accidents, and imp雜件rove work efficiency, resulting in be務做tter social and economic benefits.紅知

