Current Position:

Our company car城朋ries out fire training and drill子海 activities

Release date:

In order to do a good job in the花多 "119" publicity activity of th好雜is year's fire day, our company ca公用rried out "119" fir遠器e training and d家見rill on November要討 8, 2013. The theme of thi木他s year's fire d討物ay is to know fire fighting an亮歌d learn to escape.

The main contents of 從如the training include也老: watching the main typical fire acci歌你dent cases in China and Shenzhen in如說 recent years, introducing the 河動basic knowledge of fire, the classi動自fication and use methods of fi是雜re extinguishers and the use 道計of escape masks. Finally,我錯 a fire escape drill was co熱藍nducted to test些跳 how to correctly use escape masks in 民些fire disasters. Through training a店跳nd exercises, everyone'光地;s awareness of fire preventio說刀n has been improve東理d.

