Current Position:

The project manager of py5-1 platfo讀這rm jacket marine biolo慢城gical cleaning and u行那nderwater detection service won the ti器商tle of "safety star" to Chao河美hua

Release date:

The py5-1a platform jacket marine bi見弟ological cleaning and underwat睡物er detection service projec信窗t undertaken by our compa這放ny began on March 18, 2慢務013 and ended on April 18, 2013. Duri我西ng the operation, the project man術厭ager Xiang Chaohua led the diving team草校 to cooperate closely, implement對關 the company's safety cu亮音lture and concept, and熱腦 safely complete various operation tas場信ks. At the same tim黃鄉e, the operators actively partic好愛ipated in the safety manageme妹身nt of the platform, Smooth co離相mmunication with the p工員latform management and we姐睡ll integrated in答化to the safety culture atmospher到男e of py5-1a platform. It h場科as been recognized by the platform 音靜and awarded the title o去冷f "safety star" 話路by the platform著樂.

It is hoped that all ope器飛rators will take t文麗his as the goal, con工鐘tinue to adhere to the advanced safe國煙ty concept and work management, main制你tain good safety performanc風花e, and contribute to服少 the healthy development of the co森和mpany.

