Current Position:

Our company condu我吃cts "119" training an科理d exercises

Release date:

November 9 is the fire pr裡化otection publicity票月 day every year. The theme這自 of this year's Fire Protection 草河Publicity Day is "everyone particip很票ates in fire protecti靜舞on and creates peace and harmony". 的刀The purpose is t睡廠o advocate everyone to匠習 participate in fir動關e protection publicity. In 歌要order to do a good job in this f區說ire protection publi信文city day, our compa間舊ny conducted a fire protection train微跳ing and exercise on動得 the afternoon of 員呢November 8, wit哥光h a total of mo生我re than 20 people participating. 短個Everyone was very active, which furt聽相her improved everyone事學's fire protection abilit影他y and awareness. (長年Guo Xiaoping, safety and quality depart看相ment)

