Current Position:

The company successfully comple錯你ted the special inspe見黑ction project of Weizh姐暗ou oilfield platform

Release date:

Recently, Shanye company successf媽子ully completed v外相arious tasks of the five-year sp都不ecial inspection腦劇 project of platform B of Weizhou 1外放2-1 oilfield in the west of the South北筆 China Sea, including the inspection師好 of the platform到地9;s underwater structure and the裡什 inspection of 什海the jacket's underwater part, whi厭討ch provides a strong guarantee村錯 for the safety and integrity of 匠西the offshore facility in the 不長future service period.

In this project ser些又vice, Shanye company has a少行lways provided high-quality an厭雪d safety services訊拍 for the owner, conducted phy近一sical drills on the und會兒erwater injury emergency rescue內鄉 of special personn水數el of the project at視大 the operation site算喝, and held more than 3如計0 special meetings such as tech化會nical disclosure meeting, saf有暗ety assessment meeting and pre work 還來meeting. The adoption of these me章一asures not only ac樹外hieved good results, but also 司美carried out a good on-site practic鐵樂e on the company's作店 HSEQ management system documents.微鐘 There were no record拍短able safety accidents and服還 environmental pollution accidents村船 during the operation, whi海老ch won the unanimous praise of the 分湖owner and the third party repr朋文esentative.

Weizhou 12-1 oil子就field is the largest oilfield愛現 in Weixinan Oilfield Group 用員and an important part of黃對 Beibu Gulf oilfield in the South C讀不hina Sea. The operation in th她國e west of the South Ch玩身ina Sea reviewed and enh熱術anced the experienc亮吃e and strength of Shanye company in th腦弟e special inspection of the plat亮快form in the west of the South鄉自 China Sea, became familiar wi得讀th the sea condition通靜s of the operation in this bloc路西k, and the project members had窗海 a further understanding of the rele相熱vant inspection standards and specif也吧ications. In the future operation t匠來asks, Shanye company w森器ill respect science mo老就re, strictly control技業 quality, be respons我就ible for the owner and the project, co兵去ntinue to pay high attention to life,又爸 continuously strengthen safety m花電anagement, and co輛舊ntinuously improve 這土professional level and bra短去nd influence. (Zheng Chen of S光路hanye company)
