Current Position:

CNOOC owner's cond志空olences and Research on o問議ffshore oil 118 信事project

Release date:

From June 26 to 27, leaders and exper電黃ts from the Deepwater得文 engineering construction cen金就ter of CNOOC Shenz村務hen Branch and the Ministr鐵年y of quality, health, saf話科ety and environmental protection set u樹機p a special working group to c綠電ome by helicopter to the offshor服很e construction site of the compan拍場y's "offshore oil 118喝話" underwater plugging and ca錯費bin maintenance fo森著r condolences and research.

The owner's leaders and e山報xperts went down the 數到engine room and on the tugboa得到t under the scorching sun and h我綠ot summer. They i森遠nspected the ongoing 說多FPSO cabin maintenance and un遠妹derwater plugging construction site小計 in detail, commented, improved t信美heir opinions and commended good prac什金tices. At the brief c他麗ommunication meet海體ing held by the diving support 通嗎ship "Dehai", the leaders of the en線讀gineering construction center were n服畫ot only concerned about the safety o匠她f offshore construction, b舊那ut also more concerned房兵 about the physical and關校 mental health and wor門煙king state of the front-計民line divers, encourag少城ed everyone to work safely, seize the v愛金ictory and pursue the workload, an劇志d strive to complete t購低he underwater plugging maintenan筆森ce operation with high attention as soo的們n as possible.

