Current Position:

Our company held the 2015 year-end s飛明ummary meeting

Release date:


On the afternoon of January 18見志, 2016, our company held the 師路2015 year-end summary meeting訊離, which was attended by ge物和neral manager Zhang Hui and 電黃other employees in Shenzh信聽en. The meeting was presi嗎銀ded over by Xiao Xiaolin音業g, deputy chief engineer.

The main contents of the meeting ar音月e as follows: first, general manag紅吧er Zhang Hui summarized the company近綠9;s work in 2015 and arrange地短d the plan for 2016; Second, the ma能話nager of the saf音笑ety and quality department 暗時summarized the company場分's safety mana冷朋gement work in 2015 and made arrange下南ments for the safety 媽刀work in 2016; Third, the assistant 綠區of safety and quality depar上動tment reported the impleme跳雨ntation of HSEQ算飛 plan and KPI in 2015; Fourth生飛, the former chairman of the tra南暗de union summarized可也 the trade union work of 美信the company in 2015; 姐也Fifth, two typical cases wer月請e shared; Sixth,他術 outstanding employees, advanced safet作窗y individuals, safety亮和 activists and trade un志話ion activists in 2015鐵靜 were commended and awarded. Finally, Z輛線hang Hui, general manager of t要黑he company, made a concludi這窗ng speech and put forward four ho師自pes: strengthen marke線黑t development, do a good job in 船相cost reduction and efficiency i唱做ncrease, do a good job in 開市safety production, and everyone shoul請窗d work with integrity都裡.

Finally, the meetin舞嗎g ended in a warm atmo雨船sphere.
